PHRASAL VERB 利用;从中牟利;从…中捞好处 If you say that someone cashes in on a situation, you are criticizing them for using it to gain an advantage, often in an unfair or dishonest way.
Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land... 居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。
He said that public servants should use government to serve and not to cash in. 他说,公务员应该运用政府权力为民服务,而不是从中捞取好处。
PHRASAL VERB 将(保险单等)兑现 If you cash in something such as an insurance policy, you exchange it for money.
Avoid cashing in a policy early as you could lose out heavily... 不要提早兑现保单,那样你可能会损失惨重。
Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land 居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。
He said that public servants should use government to serve and not to cash in. 他说,公务员应该运用政府权力为民服务,而不是从中捞取好处。
Avoid cashing in a policy early as you could lose out heavily 不要提早兑现保单,那样你可能会损失惨重。
He did not cash in his shares. 他没有把股票兑换成现款。
Vouchers must be redeemed before September 14th so you'd better get cracking to cash in. 代金券必须于9月14日之前兑现,所以你最好快点。
This business generates cash in prodigious amounts 这种业务收益丰厚。
Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster 投资者预料会出现灾难,正在储备大量现金。
When prices subsequently rise, CEOs cash in. 以后价格上涨时,CEO们就可以套现了。
Remember, don't try to cash in on me, or I'll dismiss you. 记住,别想占我的便宜,否则我就开除你。
Celebs soon learn they can cash in on their wedding by signing contracts with magazines worth millions of dollars. 很快,名人们就知道如何利用婚礼来赚钱了&他们可以和杂志社签署价值数百万美元的合同。
Companies cash in on the cuteness of babies. 公司纷纷用可爱婴孩来吸引财富。
You are best to keep your cash in a safe place. 最好把钱放于安全的地方。
It is likely to seek to invest the cash in less mainstream currencies. 它很可能会寻求将这部分资金投资在不那么主流的货币上。
But some performers have been left angry by the decision of their colleagues to cash in on the ceremony. 但有些演出人员却为他们同事利用开幕式获利的行为感到愤怒。
TV companies have sought to cash in by hiring the singers to appear in their shows. 电视公司已寻求利用这一趋势,他们雇佣歌手拍电视节目。
Let your darling cash in on a massage or breakfast in bed. 给你的达令一个兑换券来兑换一条信息或是床上早餐。
You ever seen this much cash in one place? 你在什么地方看到过这么多现金吗?
Will you still ask for cash in the future, I mean, after we enter the new century? 将来,我是说进入新世纪以后,你们仍然要现金吗?
Bonds as an asset class are expected to continue to outperform cash in the near term. 债券作为一种资产类别,短期内,表现预计会继续好于现金。
Manufacturers of rainwear were not slow to cash in on the prediction of a wet summer. 雨具制造商们不失时机地利用对多雨的夏季的预测来赚钱。
Vouchers of transfer account settlement shall bear the same disbursement capability as cash in business transaction. 第七条转帐结算凭证在经济往来中,具有同现金相同的支付能力。
There is a lot of debate now about the appropriate use of excess cash in the industry. 对于该行业目前应如何正确使用过剩现金,存在着许多争论。
Cash in a broad sense and narrow sense. 现金有广义和狭义之分。
As well as charging fees, he would benefit from customers with more cash in their pockets. 除了收取手续费,他也会从口袋里有余钱的顾客那获利。
Market players had hoped it might inject extra cash in the economy at a scheduled auction yesterday. 市场参与者曾希望,中国央行可能会借昨日如期举行的一场拍卖之机,向经济注入额外资金。
Can we get the material as a rebate in rebate settlement instead of getting cash in rebate? 我们是否可以用物料而不是现金作为返利进行返利结算?
We keep the petty cash in the safe. 我们把零用现金放在保险柜里。
Cash in Hand and in Transit and at Banks 库存和在途现金和银行存款
Must I deposit cash in your company or may I transfer my money from the bank? 我必须存入现金呢,还是可以从银行转账资金?